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CASE WHEN to produce value based on null values

With the table CARS :

Make   | Model   | Color | Year
------- --------- ------- -----
Honda  | Accord  | Red   | 09
Nissan | Skyline | Blue  | 15
null   | Skyline | Red   | 15
Toyota | null    | Black | 15

I'm trying to produce the string ERROR in the Make column when Make contains a value but Model does not. My statement doesn't produce anything currently

WHEN (SELECT Count(*) 
    WHERE a.make=make
    AND a.year=year
    AND a.color=color
    AND a.model = NULL) AND (SELECT Count(*) 
    WHERE a.year=year
    AND a.color=color
    AND a.make = make) > 1 THEN '**ERROR**'
ELSE a.make
END as make

If you want to have ERROR as the value for make when make doesn't have any value, but model does then this might be what you want:

       WHEN make IS NULL AND model IS NOT NULL 
       THEN 'ERROR' 
       ELSE make 
    END AS make, 
    model, color, year 
FROM cars;

Or maybe I misunderstood your intent. Your question doesn't seem to say the same as the comment you posted to another answer.

create table cars
make varchar(100) null,
model varchar(100) null,
color varchar(100) null,
year int null
insert cars(make,model,color,year) values ('honda','accord','red',2009);
insert cars(make,model,color,year) values ('nissan','skyline','blue',2015);
insert cars(make,model,color,year) values (null,'skyline','red',2015);
insert cars(make,model,color,year) values ('toyota',null,'black',2015);

(case when c.make is null then 'ERROR' else c.make end) as make,
(case when c.model is null then 'ERROR' else c.model end) as model,
c.color, c.year
from cars c;

Edit :

select c.make,c.model,c.color,c.year,
case when (   (c.make is null and c.model is not null) or (c.model is null and c.make is not null)    ) then 'ERROR' else '' end as col5
from cars c

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