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c# SQL Error - Must declare scalar

I have declared the scalar already but I am still getting the error. My code checks to see if an entry exists, if it does it updates the entry or if it does not exist it creates a new entry:

            string server = Properties.Settings.Default.SQLServer;
            string connection = "Data Source=" + server + ";Initial Catalog=Propsys;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=0925greg";
            using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connection))
                    SqlCommand cmdCount = new SqlCommand("SELECT count(*) from Agent WHERE ContactPerson = @" + this.contactPersonTextBox.Text, cn);
                    cmdCount.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContactPerson", contactPersonTextBox.Text);
                    SqlDataReader myReader;
                    myReader = cmdCount.ExecuteReader();
                    int count = 0;
                    while (myReader.Read())
                        count = count + 1;
                    if (count > 0)
                        string query = "UPDATE _1Agent SET DealID = @DealID, \n" +
                                        "ContactPerson = @ContactPerson, \n" +
                                        "Address = @Address, \n" +
                                        "TaxVatNo = @TaxVatNo, \n" +
                                        "Comm = @Comm, \n" +
                                        "WorkTel = @WorkTel, \n" +
                                        "Cell = @Cell, \n" +
                                        "Fax = @Fax, \n" +
                                        "Email = @Email, \n" +
                                        "Web = @Web, \n" +
                                        "CreateDate = @CreateDate, \n" +
                                        "Notes = @Notes WHERE id = @id";
                        SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(query);
                        string Contact = contactPersonTextBox.Text;
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DealID", txtDealNo.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContactPerson", contactPersonTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", addressTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TaxVatNo", taxVatNoTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comm", commTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@WorkTel", workTelTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Cell", cellTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Fax", faxTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", emailTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CreateDate", DateTime.Now);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Notes", notesTextBox.Text);
                        cm.CommandText = query;
                        MessageBox.Show("Saved...", "Data Saved", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                        string query1 = "INSERT INTO _1Agent (DealID, \n" +
                                        "ContactPerson, \n" +
                                        "Address, \n" +
                                        "TaxVatNo, \n" +
                                        "Comm, \n" +
                                        "WorkTel, \n" +
                                        "Cell, \n" +
                                        "Fax, \n" +
                                        "Email, \n" +
                                        "CreateDate, \n" +
                                        "Notes) VALUES ('" + txtDealNo.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + contactPersonTextBox.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + addressTextBox.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + taxVatNoTextBox.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + commTextBox.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + workTelTextBox.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + cellTextBox.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + faxTextBox.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + emailTextBox.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + notesTextBox.Text + "',\n" +
                                        "'" + DateTime.Now + "')";
                        SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(query1);
                        string Contact = contactPersonTextBox.Text;
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DealID", txtDealNo.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContactPerson", contactPersonTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", addressTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TaxVatNo", taxVatNoTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Comm", commTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@WorkTel", workTelTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Cell", cellTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Fax", faxTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", emailTextBox.Text);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CreateDate", DateTime.Now);
                        cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Notes", notesTextBox.Text);
                        cm.CommandText = query1;
                        MessageBox.Show("Saved...", "Data Saved", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

        catch (Exception ex)

Your usage of parameter is wrong, it should be:

SqlCommand cmdCount = 
new SqlCommand("SELECT count(*) from Agent WHERE ContactPerson = @ContactPerson", cn);

Later you are adding the parameter correctly.

cmdCount.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContactPerson", contactPersonTextBox.Text);

To get the count use SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar , instead of using DataReader :

int count = (int) cmdCount.ExecuteScalar();

For the other queries, UPDATE and INSERT , you can use a verbatim string, instead of concatenating strings over multiple lines.

string query = @"UPDATE _1Agent SET DealID = @DealID, 
                ContactPerson = @ContactPerson, 
                Address = @Address, 
                TaxVatNo = @TaxVatNo, 
                Comm = @Comm, 
                WorkTel = @WorkTel, 
                Cell = @Cell, 
                Fax = @Fax, 
                Email = @Email, 
                Web = @Web, 
                CreateDate = @CreateDate, 
                Notes = @Notes WHERE id = @id";

Other issues with the code:

  • You are concatenating strings to form INSERT query, later you are adding parameters, follow the same convention as UPDATE query and then use the parameters.
  • As pointed out in the other answer, you are not adding parameter @id value for UPDATE command
  • You are not specifying connection property with your UPDATE and INSERT command:

Specify it like

SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(query, cn);
  • Consider enclosing Connection and Command object in using statement as it will ensure the proper disposal of unmanaged resources.

I see a few things;

Don't use string concatenation with @ sign for parameters. That's wrong usage. Use it like;

"SELECT count(*) from Agent WHERE ContactPerson = @ContactPerson"


cmdCount.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContactPerson", contactPersonTextBox.Text);

and use ExecuteScalar to get first column of the first row. Using a reader is unnecessary for this command.

Your UPDATE query requires @id value since you declare it in your command as;

cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", yourIDvalue);

Your INSERT query, you never declare your parameters in your command. You just concatenate them with their values. And use verbatim string literal to generate multiline strings instead of using \\n .


Read more carefully about parameterized queries and how you can use them.

You forget to mention parameter name in your select query

SqlCommand cmdCount = new SqlCommand("SELECT count(*) from Agent WHERE ContactPerson = @ContactPerson", cn);
cmdCount.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ContactPerson", contactPersonTextBox.Text);

There are some wrong things .So you can refer @Soner Gönül and @habib answers

And change your insert query.Since you have declared paramertes but you didn't define.So change as follows

 string query1 = "INSERT INTO _1Agent (DealID,ContactPerson,Address,TaxVatNo, 
                     Comm, WorkTel, Cell, Fax, Email,Notes,CreateDate)
                     VALUES ( @DealID , @ContactPerson,@Address ,@TaxVatNo ,
                     @Comm,@WorkTel , @Cell,@Fax,@Email,@Notes,@CreateDate)";

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