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Unsigned int for dataframe to_sql using sqlalchemy types

I am unable to assign an unsigned int type when using .to_sql() to write my dataframe to a MySQL database. I can use the other int types, but just am unable to get unsigned . A small representative sample of what I am trying looks like this:

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import sqlalchemy.types as sql_types

db_engine = create_engine('mysql://db_user:db_pass@db_host:db_port/db_schema')

d = {'id': [100,101,102], 'items': [6,10,20000], 'problems': [50,72,2147483649]} # Representative sample dictionary
df = pd.DataFrame(d).set_index('id')

This gives:

>>> df
         items    problems
100          6          50
101         10          72
102      20000  2147483649

I write to the database as follows:

          dtype={'id': sql_types.SMALLINT,
                 'items': sql_types.INT,
                 'problems': sql_types.INT}

But what happens is the value of problems in the last row ( id==102 ) gets truncated to 2147483647 (which is 2^31-1 ) when written to the db.

There are no other issues in the connection or when writing other standard data types, including int . I could get away by using the sql_types.BIGINT option instead (making the maximum 2^63-1 ), but that would really just be unnecessary as I know my values would fall below 4294967296 ( 2^32-1 ), which is basically the unsigned int maximum.

So question is: How can I assign an unsigned int field using the .to_sql() approach above?

I have used the sqlalchemy types from here . The MySQL types I see are here . I have seen the question here which does get the unsigned int for MySQL, but it is not using the .to_sql() approach I would like to use. If I can simply create the table from the single .to_sql() statement, that would be ideal.

To get an unsigned int, you can specify this in the sqlalchemy constructor of the INTEGER type for mysql (see the docs on the mysql types of sqlalchemy):

In [23]: from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql

In [24]: mysql.INTEGER(unsigned=True)
Out[24]: INTEGER(unsigned=True)

So you can provide this to the dtype argument in to_sql instead of the more general sql_types.INT :

dtype={'problems': mysql.INTEGER(unsigned=True), ...}

Note : you need at least pandas 0.16.0 to have this working.

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