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Referencing a string within an Index Formula Array in Excel VBA ROW(1:1)

Need some help referencing a string in an Index formula array

My code below:

Sub Loop_Test2()

Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim CountAll As Long
Dim CountXL As Long
Dim CustomerName As String


CountAll = ActiveSheet.Range("A35")

For j = 1 To CountAll
i = 2

CountXL = Cells(i, j).Value
R = 1
For i = 1 To CountXL
CustomerName = Cells(1, j).Value
'MsgBox CustomerName
MsgBox R
Cells(i + 2, j).FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet2!$A:$B,SMALL(IF(Sheet2!$A:$A=""" & CustomerName & """,ROW(Sheet2!$A:$A)),ROW(R:R))*1,2),0)"
R = R + 1
Next i
Next j
End Sub

I am trying to put a reference in this part:


change it to:

ROW(""" & R & """ : """ & R & """)

However receiving an object error 1004

Delete double quotes

ROW(" & R & " : " & R & ")


Cells(i + 2, j).FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet2!$A:$B,SMALL(IF(Sheet2!$A:$A=""" & CustomerName & """,ROW(Sheet2!$A:$A)),ROW(" & R & ":" & R & "))*1,2),0)"

Example to understand:

a = 10
b = "sometext_" & a & "_sometext" 

?b in immediate window (Ctrl+G) will print:


b = "sometext_""" & a & """_sometext" 

will print:


Double quotes in editor goes as quote in variable.

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