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How to retrieve pip requirements (freeze) within Python?

I posted this question on the git issue tracker: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/2969

Can we have some manner of calling pip freeze/list within python, ie not a shell context?

I want to be able to import pip and do something like requirements = pip.freeze(). Calling pip.main(['freeze']) writes to stdout, doesn't return str values.

There's a pip.operation.freeze in newer releases (>1.x):

    from pip._internal.operations import freeze
except ImportError:  # pip < 10.0
    from pip.operations import freeze

x = freeze.freeze()
for p in x:
    print p

Output is as expected:

... etc

The other answers here are unsupported by pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/user_guide/#using-pip-from-your-program

According to pip developers:

If you're directly importing pip's internals and using them, that isn't a supported usecase.


reqs = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'freeze'])

Actually from pip >= 10.0.0 package operations.freeze has moved to pip._internal.operations.freeze .

So the safe way to import freeze is:

    from pip._internal.operations import freeze
except ImportError:
    from pip.operations import freeze

It's not recommended to rely on a "private" function such as pip._internal.operatons . You can do the following instead:

import pkg_resources
env = dict(tuple(str(ws).split()) for ws in pkg_resources.working_set)

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