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Issue with floating point representation

int x=25,i; 
float *p=(float *)&x;

I understand that bit representation for floating point numbers and int are different, but no matter what value I store, the answer is always 0.000000. Shouldn't it be some other value depending on the floating point representation?

Your code has undefined behavior -- but it will most likely behave as you expect, as long as the size and alignment of types int and float are compatible.

By using the "%f" format to print *p , you're losing a lot of information.

Try this:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
        int x = 25; 
        float *p = (float*)&x;
        printf("%g\n", *p);
        return 0;

On my system (and probably on yours), it prints:


The int value 25 has zeros in most of its high-order bits. Those bits are probably in the same place as the exponent field of type float -- resulting in a very small number.

Look up IEEE floating-point representation for more information. Byte order is going to be an issue. (And don't do this kind of thing in real code unless you have a very good reason.)

As rici suggests in a comment, a better way to learn about floating-point representation is to start with a floating-point value, convert it to an unsigned integer of the same size, and display the integer value in hexadecimal. For example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void show(float f) {
    unsigned int rep;
    memcpy(&rep, &f, sizeof rep);
    printf("%g --> 0x%08x\n", f, rep);

int main(void) {
    if (sizeof (float) != sizeof (unsigned int)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Size mismatch\n");
    return 0;

For the purposes of this discussion, we're going to assume both int and float are 32 bits wide. We're also going to assume IEEE-754 floats.

Floating point values are represented as sign * β exp * signficand . For 32-bit binary floats, β is 2 , the exponent exp ranges from -126 to 127 , and the significand is a normalized binary fraction, such that there is a single leading non-zero bit before the radix point. For example, the binary integer representation of 25 is

11001 2

while the binary floating point representation of 25.0 would be:

1.10012 * 24 // normalized 

The IEEE-754 encoding for a 32-bit float is

s eeeeeeee fffffffffffffffffffffff

where s denotes the sign bit, e denotes the exponent bits, and f denotes the significand (fraction) bits. The exponent is encoded using "excess 127" notation, meaning an exponent value of 127 ( 01111111 2 ) represents 0 , while 1 ( 00000001 2 ) represents -126 and 254 ( 11111110 2 ) represents 127 . The leading bit of the significand is not explicitly stored, so 25.0 would be encoded as

0 10000011 10010000000000000000000 // exponent 131-127 = 4

However, what happens when you map the bit pattern for the 32-bit integer value 25 onto a 32-bit floating point format? We wind up with the following:

0 00000000 00000000000000000011001

It turns out that in IEEE-754 floats, exponent value 00000000 2 is reserved for representing 0.0 and subnormal (or denormal) numbers. A subnormal number is number close to 0 that can't be represented as 1.??? * 2 exp 1.??? * 2 exp , because the exponent would have to be smaller than what we can encode in 8 bits. Such numbers are interpreted as 0.??? * 2 -126 0.??? * 2 -126 , with as many leading 0 s as necessary.

In this case, it adds up to 0.00000000000000000011001 2 * 2 -126 , which gives us 3.50325 * 10 -44 .

You'll have to map large integer values (in excess of 2 24 ) to see anything other than 0 out to a bunch of decimal places. And, like Keith says, this is all undefined behavior anyway.

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