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How to display mathematical symbols,physics,chemistry equations in android?

我正在开发一个可能有数学,物理和化学符号的琐事测验应用程序,因为这是一个实时游戏应用程序,每次问题将从服务器下载并显示特定主题。它需要是一个原生的Android应用程序,性能非常重要的(两个玩家的游戏)。如果我在webview中使用jqmath或mathml提到它需要一些时间来渲染,是否有任何其他的android库或者我应该使用ndk c或c ++库来表现(如果这么好的命名他们或者我如何通过webview本身或任何其他更好的想法来提高性能,请建议?

After an year, I found a library which could do this quite efficiently and have used this in current project. This is the link of that great work Mathview which you can easily include in your native code itself.

It seems that you need a TeX-like system to generate mathematics/physics/chemistry symbol and/or equations? If that's so, TeXLive4Android is worth a trial.

Or you might want to build a webservice that use TeX-like systems to generate png image, check this post .

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