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Json Hijacking Restsharp. modify response content before deserialization.

Ok. So I'm trying to use Restsharp as a Http Client.

Basicaly I need to modify a response content before deserialization.

Is there a point of extension where I could do this?

You know what I mean?

Form API I, get valid json answer but with ")]}'," ( hijacking prevention) as a prefix.

Now I need to remove it. Is there a way to do that?

Weel I think I figure it out.

I have to execute result first and then Deserializer class that i have derived from JsonDeserializer;

var reult = client.Execute(request);
            var u  = new MyDeserializer().Deserialize<UserGuamInformations>(reult);

and part of the class:

   public new  T Deserialize<T>(IRestResponse response){
        string str = response.Content;
        response.Content = str.Remove(0, 6);//remove )]}',\n
        return base.Deserialize<T>(response);

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