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sql, conditional count distinct

i have to do a difficult filter in a count distinct.

having data likt that

auditor - anomaly
Bob - s
Bob - n
Bob - n
Jon - n
Jon - n
Rob - s
Rob - n

i have to count the number of person that have only 's'

this count is part of a complex query so iam looking for a way to do it inline in the select statement:

        ,   SUM(OvverideRating)  AS [n. override]                   
        ,   COUNT(DISTINCT inspectorWithOverride) AS [n. auditor]
        ,   CAST(SUM(NonMotivato) AS FLOAT) / CAST(SUM(OvverideRating) AS FLOAT) [% on override]
        ,   COUNT(DISTINCT anomaly) AS [n. auditor with anomaly]
        ,   CAST(COUNT(DISTINCT anomaly) AS FLOAT) / CAST(COUNT(DISTINCT IspettoreConOverride) AS FLOAT) AS [% auditor with anomaly]    

            ,   activityID
            ,   CASE
                    WHEN [Override] ='S' THEN 1
                    ELSE 0
                END     AS OvverideRating
            ,   CASE
                    WHEN CAST(memCp_NoteTeamLeader AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) is not null AND [Override] ='S' THEN 1
                    ELSE 0
                END  AS Motivated
           ,    CASE
                    WHEN CAST(memCp_NoteTeamLeader AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) is null AND [Override] ='S' THEN 1
                    ELSE 0
                END AS NotMotivated
            ,   CASE
                    WHEN [Override] ='S' THEN strCb_IDIspettore
                    ELSE NULL
                END AS inspectorWithOverride
            ,   CASE
                    WHEN CAST(memCp_NoteTeamLeader AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) is null AND [Override] ='S' THEN strCb_IDIspettore
                    ELSE NULL
                END AS anomaly

        FROM ... complex subquery ...
        ) AS data

我以这种方式完成了工作,我计算的是独立审计师总数减去具有“ N”的审计师总数

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