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After triangulation in Structure from Motion

I am working on Structure from Motion. I have did the following steps till now,

  1. Feature Matching
  2. Fundamental Matrix
  3. Essential Matrix
  4. Camera Matrix P
  5. From triangulation, I got Point3d type values for all the matched features. I stored this in pointcloud variable.

I hope, I did right but from here I am confused to proceed further. What I have to do next ?

Assuming that your computations are correct up this point you are done for two views.

From now on you have multiple ways to improve your reconstruction:

  1. Optimization (Bundle Adjustment) is very common although you have only two views (with camera parameters), the matched point correspondences and their 3D points.
  2. Compute a dense point cloud, eg using cmvs or incremental computation
  3. Add more views with further point correspondences (or tracks) between the images. To do this you can use one of the solutions for the Perspective-n-Point problem . As far as I know is the supposed method (P3P) in the RANSAC paper very common. For further information see the original RANSAC paper or information from Changchang Wu .

For the last point it is very important to optimize the points and the camera parameter to get a good solution for the next view that is been added. Otherwise you will see drifts occuring in your reconstruction.

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