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opengl matrix math multiplication

I am writing a simple c 4x4 matrix math library and wanted some feedback, especially from people with opengl experience.

Typically there's two ways to do matrix multiplication. I tested this code and it works, according to results from wolfram alpha but my main concern is that this matrix is in the right order.

My matrix is just an array of 16 doubles.

The code to do the multiplication is below

out->m[0]  = ( a->m[0]  *  b->m[0]) + (a->m[1]  * b->m[4]) + (a->m[2]  *  b->m[8]) + (a->m[3]  * b->m[12] );
out->m[4]  = ( a->m[4]  *  b->m[0]) + (a->m[5]  * b->m[4]) + (a->m[6]  *  b->m[8]) + (a->m[7]  * b->m[12] );
out->m[8]  = ( a->m[8]  *  b->m[0]) + (a->m[9]  * b->m[4]) + (a->m[10] *  b->m[8]) + (a->m[11] * b->m[12] );
out->m[12] = ( a->m[12] *  b->m[0]) + (a->m[13] * b->m[4]) + (a->m[14] *  b->m[8]) + (a->m[15] * b->m[12] );

out->m[1]  = ( a->m[0]  *  b->m[1]) + (a->m[1]  * b->m[5]) + (a->m[2]  * b->m[9])  + (a->m[3]  * b->m[13] );
out->m[5]  = ( a->m[4]  *  b->m[1]) + (a->m[5]  * b->m[5]) + (a->m[6]  * b->m[9])  + (a->m[7]  * b->m[13] );
out->m[9]  = ( a->m[8]  *  b->m[1]) + (a->m[9]  * b->m[5]) + (a->m[10] * b->m[9])  + (a->m[11] * b->m[13] );
out->m[13] = ( a->m[12] *  b->m[1]) + (a->m[13] * b->m[5]) + (a->m[14] * b->m[9])  + (a->m[15] * b->m[13] );

out->m[2]  = ( a->m[0]  *  b->m[2]) + (a->m[1]  * b->m[6]) + (a->m[2]  * b->m[10]) + (a->m[3]  * b->m[14] );
out->m[6]  = ( a->m[4]  *  b->m[2]) + (a->m[5]  * b->m[6]) + (a->m[6]  * b->m[10]) + (a->m[7]  * b->m[14] );
out->m[10] = ( a->m[8]  *  b->m[2]) + (a->m[9]  * b->m[6]) + (a->m[10] * b->m[10]) + (a->m[11] * b->m[14] );
out->m[14] = ( a->m[12] *  b->m[2]) + (a->m[13] * b->m[6]) + (a->m[14] * b->m[10]) + (a->m[15] * b->m[14] );

out->m[3]  = ( a->m[0]  *  b->m[3]) + (a->m[1]  * b->m[7]) + (a->m[2]  * b->m[11]) + (a->m[3]  * b->m[15] );
out->m[7]  = ( a->m[4]  *  b->m[3]) + (a->m[5]  * b->m[7]) + (a->m[6]  * b->m[11]) + (a->m[7]  * b->m[15] );
out->m[11] = ( a->m[8]  *  b->m[3]) + (a->m[9]  * b->m[7]) + (a->m[10] * b->m[11]) + (a->m[11] * b->m[15] );
out->m[15] = ( a->m[12] *  b->m[3]) + (a->m[13] * b->m[7]) + (a->m[14] * b->m[11]) + (a->m[15] * b->m[15] );

I wanted to make sure that this will give me the correct results for setting up my transformation matrix.

matrix m = 1,3,4,-1,5,6,7,-1,8,8,8,-1,0,0,0,1 which is arranged in memory like this:


which I think is the way opengl lays out it's matrix as 16 numbers.

using my code my answer comes out to be

[   48.000000   53.000000   57.000000   -9.000000   ]
[   91.000000   107.000000  118.000000  -19.000000  ]
[   112.000000  136.000000  152.000000  -25.000000  ]
[   0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    1.000000    ]

which is the transpose of wolfram alpha's answer.

(48 | 91  | 112 | 0
 53 | 107 | 136 | 0
 57 | 118 | 152 | 0
 -9 | -19 | -25 | 1)

Typically it looks like this, vertex point v model, view, projection matrices

position = projection * view * model * v

I can't say you why your results differ but one help is, if you send the matrix into a GLSL uniform dMat4, you can use the build in transpose functionallity of OpenGL to get the right matrix alignment:

glUniformMatrix4fv( Uniform_Location, 1, GL_TRUE, MatrixPointer );

The third parameter means, if OpenGL should transpose the matrix before setting the uniform.

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