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How do I get a Sqlite Table attribute from a Class?

I would like to get a Sqlite Table attribute from my class.

I have a method to check if a table exists from here :

var info = database.Connection.GetTableInfo(typeof(Customer).Name);
if (info.Any())
    //do stuff with table

where Customer is:

public class Customer
  //class stuff

Now my method will work fine as it is but I would like to link it to the Table attribute rather than the class name incase I change the table name in future.

How do I go about getting my Table attribute from my class?

Ps. I am using a PCL (Portable Class Library)

Got it. Just needed to use the GetCustomAttributes method on a Type and feed in the Attribute type I was looking for. So it became:

string tableName = typeof(Customer).Name;
var customAttributes = typeof(Customer).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SQLite.Net.Attributes.TableAttribute),false);
if (customAttributes.Count() > 0)
    tableName = (customAttributes.First() as SQLite.Net.Attributes.TableAttribute).Name;

Here is the solution for a PCL:

using System.Reflection;

string tableName = typeof(MyClass).Name;
var customAttributes = typeof(MyClass).GetTypeInfo().GetCustomAttributes<SQLite.Net.Attributes.TableAttribute>();
if(customAttributes.Count() > 0)
    tableName = customAttributes.First().Name;


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