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How to do a replace only on parts of string matching my regex pattern?

Lets' say I have this html code in my String variable;

String htmlCode = "<span class='test'>test</span>"+
+"<a href=\"http://foo.com?id=<span class='test'>test</span>\">link</a>";

The htmlCode variable would contain more links similar to that, plus it would also contain more spans similar to that.

I want to replace everything in between tags <span and </span> including those spans, but only if they are in <a href tag. Meaning that I don't want to replace the first span tag, but I want to replace the second one.

I know that regex can do that, but so far I was able to do this:

htmlCode = htmlCode.replaceAll("<span.*?</span>", "");

But how do I define that I want to replace it only if it occurs in the <a> tag? Plus is there a way to replace it including those span tags?

If I understand your question correctly you want to remove span tags from href value of your a tag.

In that case you can try with something like

String htmlCode = "<span class='test'>test</span>"
        + "<a href=\"http://foo.com?id=<span class='test'>test</span>\">link</a>"
        + "<a href=\"http://foo.com?id=test2\">link</a>";
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlCode);

for (Element el : doc.select("a[href*=<span]")){//select a with href which contains `<span`
    el.attr("href", Jsoup.parse(el.attr("href")).text());//sets new value for `href` attribute which will be 
    //parsed "http://foo.com?id=<span class='test'>test</span>" and text it represents


Output (before/after):

  <span class="test">test</span>
  <a href="http://foo.com?id=<span class='test'>test</span>">link</a>
  <a href="http://foo.com?id=test2">link</a>
  <span class="test">test</span>
  <a href="http://foo.com?id=test">link</a>
  <a href="http://foo.com?id=test2">link</a>

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