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How to get logging messages

import serial
import string
from time import sleep
from subprocess import call, check_call, CalledProcessError
import logging

import random
import signal
import os

LOG_FILENAME = "/tmp/dfu.log"
LOG_FD = open(LOG_FILENAME, "w")

logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME, level=logging.DEBUG)

dfu_image_list = ['/tmp/sample.dfu']

while True:
        for test_file in dfu_image_list:
            logging.info("\n==================\nbegin dfu download test")
            check_call('sudo dfu-util -vD /tmp/sample.dfu', shell=True,  
                        stdout=LOG_FD, stderr=LOG_FD)
            logging.info("Download completed successfully!")

    except CalledProcessError as e:
        msg = "dfu-util failed with return code :%s \n\nMessage:%s" % 
               (e.returncode, e.message)
        logging.warning("USB device likely needs time to re-enumerate, 
                         waiting 10 seconds before restarting")

    except OSError:
        logging.error("dfu-util executable not found!")

Execution of above python script provides logs into /tmp/dfu.log. However logs into log file are from the function check_call. Expected behavior is main threads logs like

logging.info("\n==================\nbegin dfu download test")
logs of function check_call
logging.info("Download completed successfully!").

However only logs of function check_call gets reflected and main threads logs like

begin dfu download test
Download completed successfully!

are not getting reflected into log file.

Remember that the logging module does some buffering, which means writing a log using log.something() doesn't necessarily means that this log will be written to the file.

Also, you're opening a file twice, and writing to it from different places. Usually that's a bad idea, even if Linux is preemptive and you flush the log and could possible work it still a bad idea.

What about you communicate() with the process instead of check_call() and then you log the stdout or stderr as you wish. For example:

for image in dfu_image_list:
    logging.info('=' * 10)
    logging.info('Begin dfu download using {}'.format(image))

    process = Popen(['sudo', 'dfu-util', '-vD', image], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

    if stderr:

    logging.info('Download completed successfully!')

By the way, your loop logic is flawed. As any error will restart the loop for dfu_image_list images.

I think this is more what you want to do:

from sys import exit
from time import sleep
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError
import logging

LOG_FILENAME = "/tmp/dfu.log"

logging.basicConfig(filename=LOG_FILENAME, level=logging.DEBUG)

def download(where):

    logging.info('=' * 10)
    logging.info('Begin dfu download to {}'.format(where))

    for attempt in range(ATTEMPTS):
        logging.info('Attempt #{}...'.format(attempt + 1))

            process = Popen(
                ['sudo', 'dfu-util', '-vD', where],
                stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE
            stdout, stderr = process.communicate()

            if stderr:

            logging.info('Download completed successfully!')
            return True

        except CalledProcessError as e:
                'dfu-util failed with return code {}'.format(e.returncode)
                'USB device likely needs time to re-enumerate, '
                'waiting 10 seconds before restarting...'

        except OSError:
            logging.critical('dfu-util executable not found!')

    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if not download('/tmp/sample.dfu'):

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