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Display return value of method of class on a label

My code for class in App code folder is as

public class Circle
    public int _Radius;
    public float _PI = 3.14F;
    public Circle(int Radius)
        this._Radius = Radius;
    public string Area()
        return _PI * _Radius * _Radius;


and in code behind file i created object of this class as

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Circle C1 = new Circle(10);
    string text = C1.Area;


I wanna to display value C1.Area on label how i do this

Simply assign the output to text property of your ASP Label control like this:-

lblMyLabel.Text = C1.Area();

Here I have considered you Label Control looks like this:-

<asp:Label ID="lblMyLabel" runat="server"></asp:Label>

define a label like this in your .aspx page

<asp:Label ID="lblArea" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>

And in code behind assign the value like this

lblArea.Text=C1.Area() ;

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