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login page not redirecting to main page in iis server asp.net c#

Here is the c# coding using for login and main page redirection:

    db = new DBFunctions();
    string mSQL = ("SELECT COUNT(username) FROM [User] WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(username))='" + (txtusername.Text) + "'");
    db.Initialize("Text", mSQL);
    int mcount = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd.ExecuteScalar());
    if (mcount == 1)
        string mSQL1 = ("SELECT COUNT(username) FROM [User] WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(username))='" + (txtusername.Text) + "'");
        db.Initialize("Text", mSQL);
        int mcount1 = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd.ExecuteScalar());
        if (mcount1 == 1)
            Response.Redirect("dash.aspx", false);
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Password Wrong.! Please Contact IT (377)')", true);

        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Username and Password does not match Please Contact IT (377)')", true);
catch (Exception ex)

This above code works fine in localhost environment but if host in iis server it is not redirect to main page (if i click login button it just stay on login page ).

Localhost is not a server so in this case there might be a lot of reason to not work that your code. I think you are getting an exception and you are not catching it. I'll suggest to uncomment your code in catching exception and see that.

You May need to install/setup httpRedirect.

Kindly go through the below link for the more information.


I hope it should work.


i used the following line in web.config file

<identity impersonate="true" userName="domain\username" password="password"/>

this solved my problem.

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