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How to batch convert JPEG images with jpegtran on Windows

Is it possible to batch convert a folder of JPEG images using jpegtran on Windows?
I normally use the following command for one file, but I'm not sure how to apply it to an entire directory of JPEG files:

jpegtran -copy none -optimize a.jpg b.jpg

Thank you.

  1. Download jpegtran
  2. Put jpegtran.exe in C:/Program Files/Image Optimization (create the folder if it doesn't exist).
  3. Open your text editor, then copy & paste code below.
  4. Save it as optimize.bat, then put the file in C:/Program Files/Image Optimization.
  5. Run optimize.bat (Run as administrator) to optimize all images in C:/Program Files/Image Optimization (change path in line 3 if you want to optimize another folder).

    @echo off echo Optimizing Images... cd "C:\\Program Files\\Image Optimization" forfiles /s /m *.jpg /c "cmd /c @\\"C:\\Program Files\\Image Optimization\\jpegtran.exe\\" -copy none -optimize -outfile @file @file" echo. & echo Process done! pause

The procedure to optimize all images in a folder is described in the following link. I think it might help you.

Optimize All Images in a Folder

I found this a bit simpler which works on one line without needing to make a separate batch file. For example if you want to rotate each file by 90:

forfiles /s /m *.jpg /c "cmd /c jpegtran -rotate 90 @FILE @FILE"

Replace "-rotate 90" with your custom flags for transformation. This script will replace each input file with the transformed output. This assumed jpegtran.exe is in the current directory or system path.

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