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Problems with Twig and PHP

I am trying to create a content management system using Twig and PHP, but when I open the page, it says that there are no entries when there are. I have verified this using a var_dump() .

Code for the route:

$app->get('/articles', function() use ($app) {

    $approved_articles = $db_bsa->query("
        SELECT id, label, slug
        FROM approved_articles




Code for the view:

{% extends 'templates/default.php' %}

{% block title %}Articles{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    <article class="article">

            <p class="post-info">A Directory Style Listing of our Active Articles</p>

        {% if approved_articles %}
        {% for approved_article in approved_articles %}
            <li>{{ approved_article.label }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
        {% else %}
            <p>No articles at the moment...</p>
        {% endif %}


{% endblock %}

Also, a longer chain with more background info is posted here: https://www.codecourse.com/forum/topics/problems-using-twig-and-php/329

Thanks for the help!

You need to pass approved_articles to twig when you render the template.

$app->render('main/articles.php', array('approved_articles' => $approved_articles));

Twig doesn't automatically find variables in your controller. You need to explicitly pass template variables like approved_articles into the Twig rendering engine.

As a side note, your articles.php template file is named with a .php extension, but it is not actually a PHP file. Usually templates are named with a .twig extension.

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