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How to reuse DataTable for multiple SqlDataAdapter inserts

Given a DataTable loaded with some data how can it be reused to perform multiple inserts into different SQL Server database tables using different SqlDataAdapter.Update() methods?

After using the DataTable to insert records into table 1, a different SqlDataAdapter will not insert data into table 2 and Update() method always returns 0 without throwing an exception.

I tried using the Copy() and RejectChanges() methods of the DataTable but it never inserts data into table 2.

Some code:

var dataAdapter1 = new SqlDataAdapter
    UpdateBatchSize = updateBatchSize,
    InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(insertCommand1, dbConnection)
        UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None
dataAdapter1 .InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@Id", SqlDbType.Int, 0, "Id");  
dataAdapter1 .Update(dtSomeDataTable);
// This inserts data into table 1.
var dataAdapter2 = new SqlDataAdapter
    UpdateBatchSize = updateBatchSize,
    InsertCommand = new SqlCommand(insertCommand2, dbConnection)
        UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None
var count = dataAdapter2.Update(dtSomeDataTable);
//This does not insert any records (or throws an exception) and variable count is always 0;

Take a look at this MSDN post to understand the concept of DataRow.RowState: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ww3k31w0(v=vs.110).aspx

When you call Update on the first SqlAdapter, all rows are marked as Unchanged and subsequent Update calls won't consider them anymore.

You could try "touching" each row by reading a value from one of the columns and setting that same value. Maybe that will cause the RowState to switch to Modified so that the second Update operation acts on all rows again.

Maybe try calling SetAdded on each DataRow, before the 2nd call to Update ?



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