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How to separate nested JSON

I have a JSON data with structure like this:

{ "a":"1",
  "b":[{ "a":"4",

Here the key a is always unique even if nested.

I want to separate my JSON data so that it should look like this:


JSON data can be nested up to many times. How to do that?

I'd use an input and output stack:

x = {
             "b":[ { "a":3, }, { "a":4, } ]

input_stack = [x]
output_stack = []

while input_stack:
     # for the first element in the input stack
     front = input_stack.pop(0)
     b = front.get('b')
     # put all nested elements onto the input stack:
     if b:
     # then put the element onto the output stack:

output_stack ==
[{'a': 1, 'b': [{'a': 2, 'b': [{'a': 3}, {'a': 4}]}]},
 {'a': 2, 'b': [{'a': 3}, {'a': 4}]},
 {'a': 3},
 {'a': 4}]

output_stack can be a dict of cause. Then replace



output_dict[front['a']] = front

Not sure about a Python implementation, but in JavaScript this could be done using recursion:

function flatten(objIn) {
  var out = [];
  function unwrap(obj) {
    var arrayItem = {};
    for(var idx in obj) {
      if(!obj.hasOwnProperty(idx)) {continue;}
      if(typeof obj[idx] === 'object') {
        if(isNaN(parseInt(idx)) === true) {
          arrayItem[idx] = [];
      arrayItem[idx] = obj[idx];
    if(JSON.stringify(arrayItem) !== '{}') {

  return out;

This will only work as expected if the object key names are not numbers.

See JSFiddle .

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