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SDL2 compiling for Android with GLEW

This is a compilation problem, specifically with referencing shared libraries with NDK.

I have the SDL2 + GLEW program running fine on my mac (obviously with a different makefile/build system), and I have it running fine on Android as well (so long as I don't use GLEW). But now I need to use GLEW, and can't find a straightforward reference for how/where/what the heck is going on with including libraries in the NDK.

Anyways- in my android-project folder, I have jni/src/Android.mk (which I assume is where I should be looking?)

There's a line with LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := SDL2 SDL2_image , and I assume that's the magic variable that I shlould add GLEW to? But what even is that? How does that know what GLEW even means? Should it be -lGLEW ? (that last question is rhetorical- I've tried all of them and nothing works). I've even tried commenting out that line totally and get the same build error:

jni/src/src/main.cpp:8:21: fatal error: GL/glew.h: No such file or directory
#include <GL/glew.h>

I'm pretty much totally lost... does anyone have any resources I could look into?

Also, as a note, I'd also prefer an explanation regarding why/what is going on, as I'm sure I'll be including other stuff as I go on.

Edit: As Drop pointed out below, this wasn't a linking problem- the compiler needed to know where to find GL/glew.h . So I added /usr/local/Cellar/glew/1.12.0/include to the LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := line, and that works. But now, there's an error compiling glew.h - GL/glu.h: No such file or directory .

So now,

  1. is there a more general/clean/better way than hardcoding the whole /usr/local/Cellar/glew/1.12.0/include line to let the compiler know where GLEW is? Should glew.h be located somewhere more general?
  2. Why do I only need this when compiling for android? The mac build doesn't need these flags...
  3. I can't find clear documentation anywhere about this, but in compiling the mac build with GLEW, I didn't need to also install GLU and GLUT (like GLEW's website implied...), and further, neither GLU nor GLUT are available as packages via brew .

I've been looking around for documentation about this, but I feel like I don't know what I don't know. Is there some insight you could give to where I'm going wrong regarding how includes and libraries and stuff are expected to be referenced across platforms?

Welp. Turns out there isn't a straightforward way to include GLEW/GLU/GLUT with NDK? (I have a question mark because I'm still not 100% sure...).

However, I found the solution to my problem, and that was- I didn't need GLEW (or GLU, or GLUT, etc...)!

Like I said, I'm building for OSX and android, so I'm using OpenGL 2.1 and OpenGLES2.

I chose to do this because I was told that OpenGLES2 is simply a subset of OpenGL2, so I didn't expect any issues (so long as I didn't use any func's only in OpenGL 2.1).

I needed GLEW because I wanted to use framebuffers ( glGenFramebuffers , etc...), which only exist as an extension in OpenGL 2.1. Once I got that working, I assumed I would need the same extension wrangling for OpenGLES2 on Android- turns out I simply don't! It just kinda works out of the box! (Well, once you get NDK working, and linked with OpenGL, and blah blah blah).

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