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Python Tornado - Confused how to convert a blocking function into a non-blocking function

Suppose I have a long running function:

def long_running_function():
    result_future = Future()
    result = 0
    for i in xrange(500000):
        result += i
    return result_future

I have a get function in a handler that prints the user with the above result of a for loop that adds all the number in the xrange:

def get(self):
    print "start"

    self.future = long_running_function()
    message = yield self.future

    print "end"

If I run the above code on two web browsers simultaneously, I get:





Which seems to be blocking. From my understanding, the @gen.coroutine and the yield statement does not block the IOLoop in the get function, however, if any functions that is inside the co-routine that is blocking, then it blocks the IOLoop.

Hence the other thing I did is to turn the long_running_function into a callback, and using the yield gen.Task instead.

def get(self):
    print "start"

    self.future = self.long_running_function
    message = yield gen.Task(self.future, None)

    print "end"

def long_running_function(self, arguments, callback):
    result = 0
    for i in xrange(50000000):
        result += i
    return callback(result)

This doesn't cut too, it gives me:





I can use threads to execute those in parallel, but it doesn't seem the way to go, because I might be opening a lot of threads, and according to Tornado's user guide, it may be expensive.

How do people write async libraries for Tornado?

If the blocking function is CPU-bound (as your for/xrange example is), then threads (or processes) are the only way to make it non-blocking. Creating a thread per incoming request is expensive, but making a small ThreadPoolExecutor to handle all CPU-bound operations is not.

To make a function non-blocking without using threads, the function must be event-driven : it must be waiting on some external event (such as network I/O) so that it can be awoken when that event occurs.

I'm currently struggling to add a web interface for my simulation program using Tornado and its WebSocket function. My simulation program is computationally intensive, ie, CPU-bound task as said by @ben-darnell , which should be implemented using another thread or process .

After many investigations, I think these resources may be helpful:

I'm doing the similar implementation now, and will update this answer when I have more progress :)

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