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Search for an array of bytes in another process

I wish to search for an array of bytes inside another process. I am using VirtualQueryEx and ReadProcessMemory but i am unsure of the correct what to do this.

Here is how my code looks so far:

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  Target: array[0..7] of byte = ($A0, $19, $40, $2B, $F6, $7F, $00, $00);
  Mbi: TMemoryBasicInformation;
  Handle: THandle;
  buff: array of byte;
  hWin, ProcID, BuffSize: Cardinal;
  Addr: DWORD_PTR;
  BytesRead: NativeUInt;
  i: integer;
  hWin := FindWindow(nil, 'Minesweeper');
  if hWin > 0 then
    GetWindowThreadProcessID(hWin, @ProcId);
  if ProcId > 0 then
    Handle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, false, ProcId);
    if Handle <> 0 then
      while (VirtualQueryEx(Handle, Ptr(Addr), Mbi, SizeOf(Mbi)) <> 0) do
        SetLength(buff, BuffSize);
        if ReadProcessMemory(Handle, Mbi.BaseAddress, Buff, Mbi.RegionSize, BytesRead) then
          for i := 0 to Length(Buff) do
          if CompareMem(@Buff[i], @Target[1], Length(Target)) then
        if Addr + BuffSize < Addr then
        Addr := Addr + BuffSize;
      SetLength(buff, 0);

Program freezes.

There are a number of issues with your code.
Rather than spoonfeed the solution I'm going to explain where to get the info.

Every local variable that you use, must be initialized beforehand.

Initialize local variables
The following vars are not initialized:

{mbi - Set to zero using} FillChar(mbi, SizeOf(Mbi), #0);

BuffSize:= 1024*4 + SizeOf(Target);
//Also add a 
  DefaultBufSize = 1024*4; 

Do not start reading from 0
Instead initialize Addr to the starting address of the process using GetModuleInfo Don't forget to initialize the mi: TModuleInfo structure using: FillChar(mi, SizeOf(mi), #0);

Read a 4k+ buffer
Now keep loading buffers of BuffSize , but only increase Addr with DefaultBuffSize .

Check how many bytes are actually read
Make sure to check the BytesRead parameter and reduce the BuffSize if fewer bytes are read (or you'll get access violations).

Utilize a smart search algorithm
Use the following routine to find the string:

Boyer-Moore-Horspool string search algorithm - Wiki
(Thanks to: Dorin Duminica)

{$PointerMath on}
function FindMem(P1: pointer; Size1: Cardinal; P2: Pointer; Size2: Cardinal): Integer;
  i,j,k: Integer;
  LenPattern: Integer;
  LenValue: Integer;
  SkipTable: array[byte] of Integer;
  Found: Boolean;
  B: Byte;

    function __SameByte: Boolean;
      Result := (PByte(P1)[i] = PByte(P2)[j])
    end; // function __SameChar: Boolean;

  Found := False;
  Result := -1;
  LenPattern := size2;
  if LenPattern = 0 then begin
    Result := 0;
    Found := True;
  end; // if LenPattern = 0
  for B:= low(byte) to high(byte) do SkipTable[B]:= LenPattern;
  for k:= 1 to LenPattern - 1 do SkipTable[PByte(P2)[k]]:= LenPattern - k;
  k:= LenPattern + 0;
  LenValue := size1;
  while (not Found) and (k <= LenValue) do begin
    i := k;
    j := LenPattern;
    while (j >= 1) do begin
      if __SameByte then begin
        j := j -1;
        i := i -1;
      end else
        j := -1;
      if j = 0 then begin
        Result := i;
        Found := True;
      end; // if j = 0 
      k := k + SkipTable[PByte(P1)[k]];
    end; // while (j >= 1)
  end; // while (not Found) and (k <= Size1)

See here for info on GetModuleInfo

Good luck

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