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String modification in C++ macro

Is there a way to modify a string literal in C++ from macro?

The reason for that is obfuscating code, particularly, 2 mutex wishes:

  1. I want to see literals as is in my source code, say, "password123".
  2. I want them to be mangled somehow before compilation to avoid including them in binaries.

I know that primitive modifications like XOR or shifting cannot be enough for professional analysis, but they are good enough for me.


You can use the macro to pass the string to a constexpr function which does the "encryption." Since C++14, constexpr is much easier to use.

// Similar to std::array, but with a member pointer as an accessor.
// It's complicated.
template< std::size_t length >
struct string_holder {
    char str[ length ];
    char const * ptr = str;

template< std::size_t length >
constexpr string_holder< length > encrypt( char const (& in)[ length ] ) {
    string_holder< length > result = {};
    for ( std::size_t i = 0; i != length - 1; ++ i ) {
        result.str[ i ] = in[ i ] ^ 1; // Do encryption here.
    return result;

#define ENCRYPT( STR ) ( encrypt( STR ).ptr )

char const * const & s = ENCRYPT( "password123" );


Note, s needs to be declared as a const& reference to take advantage of lifetime extension. You could also write auto const& s or auto &&s ; it would be the same. The current version of Clang does not allow s to be declared constexpr , but I believe this to be a bug.

Ideally , you could just write a user-defined literal like "password123"_encrypted . Unfortunately, progress on implementing the underlying language features for that is slow.

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