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Javascript modules not available templates not inherited from base Django tempate

I have this issue hope you have some idea how to solve it. In a Django templates which is not a "child" template of base template, I would like to use javascript modules which are in the base template, ie Jquery. Is there a way to achieve this without load again all javascript libraries I need?

Lets say base.html

{% block js %}  
<script src="some/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
{% endblock $}


// Not inherited from base.html

{% block somejsblock %}
   //some code I need
{% endblock %}

This block of html can be inserted anywhere in the template by user via slots mechanisms, this is why it doesn't inherit from base.html, if I create another header, every time that this block of html is loaded, javascripts are going to be loaded too.

The template should inherit from base, then. If there's stuff currently in base you don't want to be in some other templates, you should use an intermediate parent which itself inherits from base and which some templates can use and others don't.


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