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Exec() and Fork()

So i created ac program in unix. This is what it does.

1)It forks a process.

Child Process: Performs execv() on a alarm clock program which prints "Alarm rang" after 'x' seconds

Parent Process: Performs waitPID on child above. Then exits.

Output: So i ran it and i received the "Alarm rang after x seconds"

Everything is working fine. But now what i want is for the child process to run in the background. Meaning i do not want to see its output. but i want it to run and exit.

To make the child process run in the background, you need to make it a daemon process .

There are few steps to follow to make it a daemon process..

  1. Fork off the parent process
  2. Change file mode mask (umask)
  3. Open any logs for writing
  4. Create a unique Session ID (SID)
  5. Change the current working directory to a safe place
  6. Close standard file descriptors

For a better explanation, see this .

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