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SQL deleting records with group by multiple tables

I am trying to delete duplicate records in a table but on if they are duplicate per a record from another.

The following query gets me the number of duplicate records per 'bodyshop'. Im trying to delete multiple invoices for each bodyshop.

    inv.InvoiceNo, job.BodyshopId, COUNT(*)
    [Test].[dbo].[Invoices] as inv
  join [Test].[dbo].Repairs as rep on rep.Id = inv.RepairId
  join [Test].[dbo].Jobs as job on job.Id = rep.JobsId
    inv.InvoiceNo, job.BodyshopId
    COUNT(*) > 1

I want the duplicate invoice numbers per bodyshop to be deleted but i do want the original one to remain.

InvoiceNo   BodyshopId  (No column name)
29737        16          2
29987        16          3
30059        16          2
23491        139         2
23608        139         3
23867        139         4
23952        139         3

I only want invoice number 29737 to be once against bodyshopid 16 etc.

Hope that makes sense


You may run the following as two records are same so, Group by will return single row for same invoice:

DELETE FROM inv where id not in (
SELECT Max(inv.id) FROM (
    inv.id, inv.InvoiceNo, job.BodyshopId, COUNT(*)
    [Test].[dbo].[Invoices] as inv
  join [Test].[dbo].Repairs as rep on rep.Id = inv.RepairId
  join [Test].[dbo].Jobs as job on job.Id = rep.JobsId
    inv.InvoiceNo, job.BodyshopId
    COUNT(*) > 1

id is the primary key.

General SQL. Modify if needed for sql-server.

Perhaps this :

with cte as (
    inv.ID, inv.InvoiceNo, job.BodyshopId, rn = row_number() over (partition by inv.InvoiceNo, job.BodyshopId order by inv.InvoiceNo, job.BodyshopId)
    [Test].[dbo].[Invoices] as inv
  join [Test].[dbo].Repairs as rep on rep.Id = inv.RepairId
  join [Test].[dbo].Jobs as job on job.Id = rep.JobsId

delete t1
from [Test].[dbo].[Invoices] t1 inner join cte t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID 
where t2.rn > 1

Edit 1 - Your comments are trues. So a solution is to add an identity column to the invoice table. I've adapt my query.

To add / remove an identity column :

 alter table [Test].[dbo].[Invoices]  id int identity(1,1)
 drop  column id

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