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How to add a JLabel to a class which extends JPanel

as the title says, I would like to add a JLabel to a class (in my case, named GamePanel) which extends JPanel. I tried with

    public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements Runnable, KeyListener

/*Some of my instructions
       public void gamelabel()
             JLabel mylabel = new JLabel();
             mylabel.setBounds(0, 0, 1280, 720);
             GamePanel.add(mylabel);    //Here I'm getting an error message

/*Others instructions

So I really don't know how to do it, but I have the feeling it must be an easy solution... Nevertheless, I couldn't find it.

How could I do it? Thanks in advance.

use this.add() instead of Gamelabel.add() .

you can't call Gamelabel.add() because to call Gamelabel.add() there should be a static method add() in Gamelabel class but Gamelabel has a inherited instance method add() not a static method .

   public void Gamelabel() {
        JLabel mylabel = new JLabel();
        mylabel.setBounds(0, 0, 1280, 720);
        mylabel.setVisible(true); //unnecessary 

also use layout managers .in your code you can't use setBounds() method because panel layout is flow (default) . setbounds is used for absolute positioning when not using layout managers. so read how to use layout managers and flow layout .

also mylabel.setVisible(true); is unnecessary because jlable is visible by default unlike jframe .

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