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(C++) Accessing private member variables from a private base class

So my program requires the base class Media to have the members set to private as well as the constructor. I can't make them protected or public, thanks.

class Media
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &output, const Media &Media)
        output << Media.mId << " " << Media.mTitle << " " << Media.mYear << " "
                << Media.mRatings;
        return output;
    Media(int id, string title, int year, int ratings);
//void printRating();
    friend class Movie;

    int mId, mYear, mRatings;
    string mTitle;
Media::Media(int id, string title, int year, int ratings)
    mId = id;
    mTitle = title;
    mYear = year;
    mRatings = ratings;
class Movie: public Media
    Movie(int id, string title, int year, string director);
    string mDirector;
Movie::Movie(int id, string title, int year, string director) :
        mId(id), mTitle(title), mYear(year), mDirector(director)

int main()

    Media *ptr[10];
    ptr[0] = new Movie(352, "Fight Club", 1999, "David Fincher");
//cout << *ptr[0]<<endl;

Base class members cannot be used in initializer lists :

In the definition of a constructor of a class, member initializer list specifies the initializers for direct and virtual base subobjects and non-static data members.

However you can call the constructor of the base class:

Movie::Movie(int id, string title, int year, string director) :
    Media(id, title, year, 0), // 0 or or whatever default rating value should be

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