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How to get the ouput of my result in json in R

Hi i am using R with opencpu.right now i used jsonlite library to get my results in json format but unforutnately it fails. I got the output like this.

["A101 Prateek Wisteria Sector 77 Noida New Delhi","7780274.18056666","1"]

i want the output the output like this

{ "flag": "0", "property_details", "<<address>>", "estimate", "<<estimated value from R>>" }

here is my program

delhi <- read.delim("delhi.tsv", na.strings = "") 
delhi$lnprice <- log(delhi$price)
if(address1 %in% delhi$property_address_1)

    data <- read.delim("UItest.txt", na.strings = "")
    heddel <- lm(lnprice ~ bedrooms+ area+ bathrooms, data = delhi)
    result <- predict(heddel,data)
    final_prediction = exp(result)
    property_details = address1
    estimated_value <- final_prediction
    result <- c(property_details,estimated_value,flag)
    col_headings <- c('property_details','estimated_value','flag')
    names(result) <- col_headings

any help will be appreciated.

To get output resembling your desired result try defining your results variable as a data.frame rather than a named vector .

Using some fictitious data on the key lines from your code:

> library(jsonlite)
> result <- c("xyz",123.45,1)
> col_headings <- c('property_details','estimated_value','flag')
> names(result) <- col_headings
> toJSON(result, pretty=TRUE)
["xyz", "123.45", "1"] 

Now refactoring this code a little bit to use a data.frame instead of a named vector :

> result <- data.frame('property_details'="xyz",'estimated_value'=123.45,'flag'=1)
> toJSON(result,pretty=TRUE)
    "property_details": "xyz",
    "estimated_value": 123.45,
    "flag": 1

This also has the side effect of not coercing integer and numeric values into character strings.

You need to "transpose" the results. Consider:

col_headings <- c('property_details','estimated_value','flag')
result <- c("PropDetails", 1.1, TRUE)





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