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Select records from table A that have at least X records on table B

I have a table called users another table called user_flags , and another table called flags

The users table contains a name and id

The flags table contains a name and id

The user_flags contains a user_id and flag_id

If I want to get all the users which have any of the provided flag names, what would be the query? That is, if the query provides 'red' and 'blue' but a user is just associated with blue, we would return that User.

That is, if I have the following schema: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/ac105 - And the flag names that I passed were red and blue , it would return the row for the User John, because John has a red associated flag.

Try this query:

SELECT u.name
FROM users u INNER JOIN user_flags uf
ON u.id = uf.user_id
INNER JOIN flags f
ON uf.flag_id = f.id
WHERE F.name = 'red'

SQL Fiddle

Note that in the fiddle the table and column names are slightly different from what you used in your original question.

You need to join the tables on their id values and use a where clause for the flag color name. Something like this:

select * from Users U
  join UsersFlags UF on UF.user_id = U.id
  join Flags F on F.id = UF.flag_id
  where F.name = 'red'

Try this one

SELECT s.id,s.name 
FROM @users s 
JOIN @users_flag uf ON s.id = uf.uid
JOIN @flag f ON f.id = uf.fid
WHERE f.NAME IN ('red','Blue')
      ,f.name flag 
     JOIN flags f using(id)
     JOIN UsersFlags uf on f.id=uf.flag_id
f.name in ('red','blue') -- or f.name in (select name from flags)
                         -- or f.name = any(array['red','blue'])

and another one

        SELECT uf.user_id
        FROM UsersFlags uf
        JOIN flags f ON uf.flag_id = f.id
        WHERE f.NAME IN (


id name flag 
-- ---- ---- 
1  John red 

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