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How can I make a container with copy-on-write semantics? (Swift)

I have a very large structure, which I want to ensure is not copied needlessly. How can I make a copy-on-write container for it?

A copy-on-write is usually a struct wrapper over some backing object.

public final class MutableHeapStore<T>: NonObjectiveCBase
    public typealias Storage = T

    public private(set) var storage: Storage

    public init(storage: Storage)
        self.storage = storage

public struct COW<T>
    public typealias Storage = MutableHeapStore<T>
    public typealias Value = T

    public var storage: Storage

    public init(storage: Storage)
        self.storage = storage

    public var value: Value
            return storage.storage

            if isUniquelyReferenced(&storage)
                storage.storage = newValue

                storage = Storage(storage: newValue)

    public init(_ value: Value)
        self.init(storage: Storage(storage: value))

extension COW: CustomStringConvertible
    public var description: String
        return String(value)

The trick lies in asserting isUniquelyReferenced every time the boxed value is mutated. If the underlying storage object is singly referenced, nothing is to be done. However if another reference exists, one must create a new storage.

Is this code thread-safe? It is exactly as safe as any other value type, eg Int or Bool .

Here's a bit simpler example.

struct COWExample1<T> {
    private var box = Box<[T]>(value: [T]())
    var count: Int {
        return box.value.count
    mutating func append(e: T) {
    private mutating func ensureBoxUniqueRefed() {
        if isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC(&box) == false {
            box = box.duplicated()

private final class Box<T> {
    var value: T
    init(value: T) {
        self.value = value
    func duplicated() -> Box<T> {
        return Box(value: value)

The previous answers aren't wrong, but there's a much simpler way. The Swift team has a list of performance tips , and they say:

The easiest way to implement copy-on-write is to compose existing copy-on-write data structures, such as Array.

It doesn't get much simpler than that!

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