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C# How can I compare objects' attributes that are elements of an array?

I have created a class named Card and a class named CardDeck. In class CardDeck I've declared an array named deck( of type Card ) whose elements are objects of class Card. Its Card object has its own number and shape.

How can I compare for example deck[0] with deck[1] to see if these obects have the same number or the same shape?

Class CardDeck

using System;
public Class CardDeck
   private int number_of_elements = 30;
   public CardDeck()//constructor
      int[] arrayNumber = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
      string[] arrayShape = { "oval" , "diamond", "square" };
      deck = new Card[number_of elements];
      InitialiseDeck(arrauNumber, arrayShape);
   private void InitialiseDeck(int[] num, string[] sha)
      int count = 0;
      for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            deck[count] = new Card(num[i],sha[j]);

Class Card

using System;
public class Card
   private int number;
   private string shape;

   public Card( int cardNumber, string cardShape)
      number = cardNumber;
      shape = cardShape;

You'll want to make public attributes on the Card class that expose the number and shape variables. Then in code outside the Card class reference those attributes.

For example:

public class Card
   private int number;
   private string shape;

   public Card( int cardNumber, string cardShape)
      number = cardNumber;
      shape = cardShape;
   public int Number { get { return this.number; } }
   public string Shape { get { return this.shape; } }


var card1 = new Card(13, "diamond");
var card2 = new Card(13, "heart");
if (card1.Number == card2.Number && card2.Shape == card2.Shape)
    // The cards are the same

If all you want to do is check for equality of cards, then you can just declare what the == operator will do for the Card class: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8edha89s.aspx

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