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Syntax error when creating table in Vertica with PYODBC

I am trying to load a big list of sql queries into a table in Vertica using PYODBC. Here's my code:

tablename = DVXTEMP.my_table_name
sql = my_sql_query.strip().strip(';')
samplesize = 1000

createstring =   'CREATE TABLE %s AS %s \n limit %s;' %(tablename, sql, samplesize)


when I print createstring and run it in Toad, it works fine. when I try to execute it in pyodbc, it gives me the following error:

'Syntax error at or near "DVXTEMP" at character 1\n (4856) (SQLExecDirectW)'

We are using Vertica Analytic Database v7.1.2-6

Any ideas what might be causing this?


1) did you import pyodbc?

2) did you define "cursor" from "pyodbc.connect"?

import pyodbc

DB = '[string for dbfile]'
DRV = '[string of which driver you are going to use]'
con = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={};DBQ={}'.format(DRV,DB))
cursor = con.cursor()
##build SQL code and execute as you have done

Try SQL commands after you can connect without an error.

3) I use pyodbc for mdb files (MS Access) and some of my queries will not run unless I put single quotes outside double quotes on table/field names.

mytbl_1 = "mytbl"
SQL = 'SELECT * FROM ' + mytbl_1
print SQL

print result -> SELECT * FROM mytbl

(this fails)

mytbl_2 = '"mytbl"' #single quotes outside of double quote
SQL = 'SELECT * FROM ' + mytbl_2
print SQL

print result -> SELECT * FROM "mytbl"

(this string gets passed w/o error works for me with MDB files)

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