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Replace string spaces with special characters

My program is not replacing every character of special string into the spaces of the input string:

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;

char *replacingSpaces(char s[]){

int last = 0, spacecount = 0;

char *sp = (char *) "$99";
int len = (int) strlen(s);
int lensp = (int) strlen(sp);

for(int i = 0;i<len;i++){
    if(s[i]==' ')spacecount++;
if(spacecount == 0) return s;

char *newStr = (char *) malloc((size_t) (spacecount*(lensp-1)+len+1));

for(int i = 0;i<len;i++){
    if(s[i]!=' '){
        newStr[last] = s[i];

        newStr[last] = sp[0];
        newStr[last] = sp[1];
        newStr[last] = sp[2];

 newStr[last++] = '\0';

 return newStr;

 int main(){

 char s[100] = "Replace spaces with special characters";
 cout << replacingSpaces(s) << endl;

 return 0;

and the output of the program is as follows:


Thank you in advance.

I think the problem is in you increment operator last++ , You have to increment it inside newStr[last] :

for(int i = 0;i<len;i++){
    if(s[i]!=' '){
        newStr[last++] = s[i];

        newStr[last++] = sp[0];
        newStr[last++] = sp[1];
        newStr[last++] = sp[2];


and why so many casts?

Try this ...

    newStr[last++] = sp[0];
    newStr[last++] = sp[1];
    newStr[last++] = sp[2];

It should work.

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