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Passing a variable using .getJSON for conditional SQL Query

I have a page that generates a table and its content will be retrieved using .getJSON . But i have a variable to be passed for that conditional query. Here is my code,

<?php $cust_id = $_GET['cust_id']; ?>
<table class="display" id="invoice-disc-list" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
            <th>INVOICE #</th>
            <th>INVOICE DATE</th>
            <th>INVOICE AMOUNT</th>

    $.getJSON('pages/lj_menu/monitoring/process/price_history_data.php', function(response) {
        var custid = '<?php echo $cust_id; ?>';
        // Initialize DataTables
            iDisplayLength : 15,
            processing: true,
            data: response,
            columns: [
              {data: "INVOICE_NO"},
              {data: "INVOICE_DATE"},
              {data: "INVOICE_SALESMAN"},
              {data: "INVOICE_AMOUNT"},
              {data: "INVOICE_DISCOUNT"}

        // Initialize AJAX onClick Data Send
        window.someGlobalOrWhatever = response.balance;

how do i post var custid = '<?php echo $cust_id; ?>'; var custid = '<?php echo $cust_id; ?>'; to price_history_data.php that contains the query so that the data inside the table only shows data based on the custid variable that i send.. ?

Thanks again for the help

Here you are:

$.getJSON('pages/lj_menu/monitoring/process/price_history_data.php', '<?php echo $cust_id; ?>')
    .done(function(response) {
        // Initialize DataTables
            iDisplayLength : 15,
            processing: true,
            data: response,
            columns: [
              {data: "INVOICE_NO"},
              {data: "INVOICE_DATE"},
              {data: "INVOICE_SALESMAN"},
              {data: "INVOICE_AMOUNT"},
              {data: "INVOICE_DISCOUNT"}

        // Initialize AJAX onClick Data Send
        window.someGlobalOrWhatever = response.balance;

Pass custid as a get parameter in the URL

<?php $cust_id = $_GET['cust_id']; ?>
<table class="display" id="invoice-disc-list" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
            <th>INVOICE #</th>
            <th>INVOICE DATE</th>
            <th>INVOICE AMOUNT</th>

    $.getJSON('pages/lj_menu/monitoring/process/price_history_data.php?custid=<?php echo $cust_id; ?>', function(response) {
        var custid = '<?php echo $cust_id; ?>';
        // Initialize DataTables
            iDisplayLength : 15,
            processing: true,
            data: response,
            columns: [
              {data: "INVOICE_NO"},
              {data: "INVOICE_DATE"},
              {data: "INVOICE_SALESMAN"},
              {data: "INVOICE_AMOUNT"},
              {data: "INVOICE_DISCOUNT"}

        // Initialize AJAX onClick Data Send
        window.someGlobalOrWhatever = response.balance;

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