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Java:Creating an Object from Class

We are just getting into objects and I came across an issue. Given the following class I created...

public class employee{
    String name;
    int waiting_time;
    int retaining_time;

    public employee(String name)

    public void setWaitingTime(int waitingtime)
        waiting_time = waitingtime;

    public int getWaitingTime()
        return waiting_time;

    public void setRetainingTime(int retainingtime)
        retaining_time = retainingtime;

    public int getRetainingTime()
        return retaining_time;

I'm trying to write a function that creates an instance of this class, and then sets waiting_time and retaining_time to 0 for only the first time it's created. Those two values will be added/subtracted upon later in the program, but they must be 0 at the start.

public static void addEmployee(String aName)
    employee anEmployee = new employee();  //error here says library.employee() is undefined?

I've done it exactly how they've done it in our book, not sure where I'm going wrong. Thanks for the help!

If you add this constructor

public employee(String name)

there is no default constructor without parameters. A default constructor is only generated for you if you do not write any constructors yourself. If you want a constructor with no parameters in addition to this other one, you have to add it

public employee() { }

By the way, classes in Java normally begin with a capital letter.

Add following constructor in your class

public employee()

The error is due to the absence of default constructor as you have added another constructor. Since you wanted to set waiting_time and retaining_time to 0; so I have just done the same in this constructor

Your only constructor for the class requires a String as an argument. You need to pass the string as an argument:

employee anEmployee = new employee(aName);

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