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Foreign key from a NON audit trail table to an audit trail table

In an existing schema I am introducing audit trail/milestone support only for one of the tables. For discussing the question we'll use following simplified toy example for better illustration of a question.

1    | "ABC"  | 11/20/2015 | 12/1/9999   | 1

Now when every time update request for department record for id=1 comes in, system does following. Basically each update is an INSERT - which changes existing record's MODIFIED_TS to the time UPDATE request came in and latest record's MODIFIED_TS always remains as 12/1/9999 (aka INFINITY TIMESTAMP)

Say updating ID=1 record where name was changed , following is what it looks like in db.

1    | "ABC"  | 11/20/2015 | 11/22/2015   | 1
1    | "XYZ"  | 11/22/2015 | 12/1/9999    | 2

Now assume there is an existing EMPLOYEE table with DEPT_ID as a foreign key. Note that EMPLOYEE table doesn't have an audit trail requirement so there is no INFINITY timestamp or VERSION ing concept there. EMPLOYEE table looks like as below

1  | "John"  | 31  | 1

Everything was fine in terms of EMPLOYEE having a FK relationship with DEPT where DEPT had ID as a PK before. Now DEPARTMENT table's PK is changed to a composite PK (ID,VERSION)

After these schema changes for DEPARTMENT table to create auit trail for its data, FK in EMPLOYEE will have to somehow create a FK in such a way where not only DEPT_ID but also include INFINITY timestamp ( MODIFIED_TS ) of DEPT record into it because EMPLOYEE will always be referring the latest DEPT record (requirement)

What's the best way to change EMPLOYEE table's FK for pointing to the most current record in DEPT table?

This is a terrible data-modelling hack to solve your problem; don't try this at home...

Since the PK for department is {id, modified_ts}, the FK from employee must also be composite (or it could point to another unique set of columns). So the solution is to give it what it wants: a column with a constant value of 'infinity'. ('infinity' is a valid value for dates and timestamps in postgres, you don't need to invent your own sentinel values)

CREATE TABLE department
        ( id INTEGER NOT NULL
        , name varchar
        , created_ts timestamp
        , modified_ts timestamp
        , version integer not null default 0
        , PRIMARY KEY (id, modified_ts)

INSERT INTO department (id, name, created_ts, modified_ts, version) VALUES
 (1  , 'ABC', '2015-11-20' , '2015-11-22' , 1) ,
 (1  , 'XYZ', '2015-11-22' , 'infinity'  , 2) ;

-- CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON department (id) WHERE modified_ts = 'infinity'::timestamp;

-- Now assume there is an existing EMPLOYEE table with DEPT_ID as a foreign key. Note that EMPLOYEE table doesn't have an audit trail requirement so there is no INFINITY timestamp or VERSIONing concept there. EMPLOYEE table looks like as below

        , name varchar
        , age  integer not null default 0
        , modified_ts timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT 'infinity'::timestamp CHECK (modified_ts = 'infinity'::timestamp)
        , dept_id INTEGER NOT NULL
        , FOREIGN KEY (id,modified_ts)
                REFERENCES department(id, modified_ts)
INSERT INTO employee(id ,name,age,dept_id) VALUES
(1  , 'John'  , 31  , 1);

  • a FK really SHOULD NOT point to a moving target
  • for the above to work, the FK constraint will need DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
  • but in practice you should use stable keys, (and move the trail to a separate table)
  • and in real life, both employee and department should allow history, and so should their (M:N) junction table.

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