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How to post values from RestAssured to JSon and get a value from it?

{"service_request":  {"service_type":"Registration","partner":"1010101","validity":1,"validity_unit":"Year","quantity":1,"center":"1020301","template":"2020301"}}

I have JSON values as above obtained from Request Payload, when I post data from the web page. I want to post this data from RESTAssured in java and want to get the returned value? How can I do that?

I would recommend to check https://github.com/jayway/rest-assured/wiki/Usage#specifying-request-data

I imagine you are trying to do a POST using Rest-Assured.For that simplest and easy way is.. Save your payload as String. If you have payload as JSONObject, use toJSONString() to convert it to String

String payload = "yourpayload";
String responseBody = given().contentType(ContentType.JSON).body(payload).

Above code, post your payload to given Url, verify response code and convert response body to a String. You can do assertion without converting to String as well like

and().assertThat().body("service_request.partner", equalTo("1010101"));

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