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Enhanced for loop to remove objects from ArrayList

I have two ArrayLists from a Parse Query that I am comparing with an enhanced for loop. I want to check to see if there is a matching ObjectId in the 2 Lists, if so, I want to remove that Object from "allDropList". All other components are working properly, I believe the problem to be with my enhanced for loop syntax. Here is my code, thanks! Note: I have experimented with "if" and "while", with no success.

public ArrayList<DropItem> filterDrops(ArrayList <DropItem> hasRelationList , ArrayList <DropItem> allDropsList){

    for(DropItem dropItemAll : allDropsList) {

        for(DropItem dropItemRelation  : hasRelationList) {

           /*if*/ while(dropItemAll.getObjectId().equals(dropItemRelation.getObjectId())) {
    return allDropsList;

The problem is you can't iterate over a list and remove something at the same time with a for loop. Have a look here for further explanation.

Removing objects in list is safer is done in a reverse order:

  public ArrayList<DropItem> filterDrops(ArrayList <DropItem> hasRelationList ,ArrayList <DropItem> allDropsList){
    for(int i = allDropsList.size()-1; i >=0; i--) {
      for(int j = hasRelationList.size()-1; j >=0; j--) {
        if(allDropsList.get(i).getObjectId().equals(hasRelationList.get(j).getObjectId())) {
    return allDropsList;

Or you can just simply do this:

    public ArrayList<DropItem> filterDrops(ArrayList <DropItem> hasRelationList , ArrayList <DropItem> allDropsList){

    ArrayList<DropItem> temp = new ArrayList<DropItem>(); //place the objects you want inside this arraylist
    for(DropItem dropItemAll : allDropsList) {
        int counter = 0;
        for(DropItem dropItemRelation  : hasRelationList) {

            if(dropItemAll.getId().equals(dropItemRelation.getId())) {
            if(counter == hasRelationList.size()-1){
    return temp;

If you use an Iterator instead for the outer loop, you can remove items from the list while iterating, without resorting to other 'tricks'.

public ArrayList<DropItem> filterDrops(ArrayList <DropItem> hasRelationList, ArrayList <DropItem> allDropsList){
    Iterator<DropItem> allDropsIterator = allDropsList.iterator();

    while(allDropsIterator.hasNext()) {
        DropItem dropItemAll = allDropsIterator.next();

        for(DropItem dropItemRelation  : hasRelationList) {

    return allDropsList;

Here's the corrected answer using an Iterator. This is a full example that compiles and runs:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;

 public class DropTest {

    class DropItem {
       private String objectId;

       public String getObjectId() {
          return objectId;

       public DropItem(String id) {
          this.objectId = id;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new DropTest().test();

    public void test() {
        ArrayList<DropItem> allDropsList = new ArrayList<>();       
        allDropsList.add(new DropItem("one"));
        allDropsList.add(new DropItem("two"));
        allDropsList.add(new DropItem("three"));
        allDropsList.add(new DropItem("four"));
        allDropsList.add(new DropItem("five"));

        ArrayList<DropItem> hasReleationList = new ArrayList<>();
        hasReleationList.add(new DropItem("three"));
        hasReleationList.add(new DropItem("five"));

        for(DropItem dropItem : allDropsList) {

        ArrayList<DropItem> result = filterDrops(hasReleationList, allDropsList);
        for(DropItem dropItem : result) {

   public ArrayList<DropItem> filterDrops(ArrayList <DropItem> hasRelationList, ArrayList <DropItem> allDropsList) {
       Iterator<DropItem> allDropsIterator = allDropsList.iterator();

       while(allDropsIterator.hasNext()) {
          DropItem dropItemAll = allDropsIterator.next();

          for(DropItem dropItemRelation  : hasRelationList) {

      return allDropsList;

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