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Remove whole (or multiple) line with search and replace in eclipse

I've got about 200 Java files and I want to remove the following line within eclipse all over the 200 files:

public static final String ID = "@(#) $Id: LoginView.java 457 2015-10-26 12:52:10Z $";

The varibale content in this line is @(#) $Id: LoginView.java 457 2015-10-26 12:52:10Z $

How can I search for all of the lines and delete them?

What to do, if I have a commentary eg

//                            Copyright (c) 2015
//                            All rights reserved
//        The contents of this file is an unpublished work protected.
//        This software is proprietary to and emboddies confidential
//        technology of abc. Possession, use and copying
//        of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a
//        valid written license. This copyright
//        statement must be visibly included in all copies.

// $Revision: 457 $ ($Date: 2015-10-26 13:52:10 +0100 (Mo, 26 Okt 2015) $)
// filename : LoginView.java
// contents :

The variable content is the last part and here it is the same: I want to remove the WHOLE commentary in eclipse in each file.

How to achieve this?

You can do text search by using Ctrl+H with scope as workspace like explained in another answer , but you can use the replace within the Ctrl+H window of eclipse to achieve the deletion and don't need to use Ctrl+F.

To delete multi-line you can enable the "Regular expression"-Checkbox.

You dont have to write the Regex yourself, just mark the text and open Ctrl+H again after the activation of the checkbox.

You can do text search by using Ctrl+h with scope as workspace then it will be searched in all projects in the workspace and will show in search result. Now for each file do Ctrl+F and replace it.

If you are using Notepad++, then there you can search and select "Replace all in all opened documents" will replace it in all files. Hopefully it solves your search and replace problem

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