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psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column “none” does not exist - Update Statement

I keep encountering the error "psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "none" does not exist".

I have read the psycopg2 documentation and looked at other posts on this error, however, many are specific to an insert query rather than an update query .

My code is as follows:-

def send_to_sql(identity,list1,list2,list3):
    userid = 30
    Fixture_No = None
    Home_Side_Score = None
    Away_Side_Score = None
    conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='Euro2016' user='postgres' host='localhost' password='##passwordhere##'")
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("""UPDATE "Predictions" SET userid = %r, "Fixture_No" = %r, "Home_Side_Score" = %r, "Away_Side_Score" = %r WHERE "Predictions"."userid" = %r AND "Predictions"."Fixture_No" = %r """ % (userid, Fixture_No, Home_Side_Score, Away_Side_Score, userid, Fixture_No))

This code works fine if scores and fixture number I am trying to pass are numbers but when a None entry is made, the code falls on its face. Somebody save me...

Use %s not %r . To check what is being sent to the server use cursor. mogrify cursor. mogrify :

update = """
    UPDATE "Predictions"
        userid = %s, 
        "Fixture_No" = %s, 
        "Home_Side_Score" = %s, 
        "Away_Side_Score" = %s
        "Predictions"."userid" = %s AND 
        "Predictions"."Fixture_No" = %s
data = (userid, Fixture_No, Home_Side_Score, Away_Side_Score, userid, Fixture_No)
print cur.mogrify(update, data)
cur.execute(update, data)

Still better, use a dictionary to pass the data:

update = """
    UPDATE "Predictions"
        userid = %(userid)s, 
        "Fixture_No" = %(Fixture_no)s,
        "Home_Side_Score" = %(Home_Side_Score)s,
        "Away_Side_Score" = %(Away_Side_Score)s
        "Predictions"."userid" = %(userid)s AND
        "Predictions"."Fixture_No" = %(Fixture_No)s
data = dict (
    userid = userid,
    Fixture_No = Fixture_No,
    Home_Side_Score = Home_Side_Score,
    Away_Side_Score = Away_Side_Score

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