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What's wrong with my string formatting?

So I'm completely new to Python and I've made only JS and PHP so far.

So I have this code

    """Shutdown code"""
timeToShutdown = input("Time to shutdown: ")

import os

os.system("shutdown /s /t %d") % timeToShutdown

It does not work like that (doesn't do anything),

It only works like this

"""Shutdown code"""
#timeToShutdown = input("Time to shutdown: ")

import os

os.system("shutdown /s /t 7200")

So what is wrong in inputting the number as variable.

PS: I've tried int(input()) too.

You have to format the string, not the return. ie, move your % to inside the brackets:

os.system("shutdown /s /t %s" % timeToShutdown)
                           ^ input() returns a string not a number

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