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Parse JSON string using C# script in SSIS

I am working on retrieving USD -> GBP exchange rates from CurrencyLayer using a C# script task in SSIS. I have used the following code:

string url = Dts.Variables["User::CurrencyLayerURL"].Value.ToString();
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
var jsonString = wc.DownloadString(url);

To successfully retrieve the following JSON string:


However, I am not sure at this point how to retrieve just the 0.66527 value that corresponds to the "USDGBP" rate and pass it to a variable. I have seen a number of suggestions to use the JSON.net library, but I am not able to add any third-party libraries to this project. Any help would be appreciated.

You can use the JsonValue class from System.Json Namespace .

JsonValue value = JsonValue.Parse(jsonString);
var quote =  (string)result["quotes"]["USDGBP"];

Or you could use the JavaScriptSerializer from System.Web.Script.Serialization

var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var result = serializer.Deserialize<ExpandoObject>(jsonString);
var quote = result.quotes.USDGBP;

Or in Json.Decode from System.Web.Helpers

Var result = Json.Decode(jsonString);
var quote = result.quotes.USDGBP;

Parse your json object using JSON.NET:

dynamic d = JObject.Parse(jsonString );

You can use JavaScriptSerializer You can add Syatem.Web.Extensions namespace reference.

    var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
     var serializedResult = serializer.Serialize(Object);
   var deserializedResult = serializer.Deserialize<OutputObjectType>(jsonString);

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