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PySide - GUI inactive zone on the menu bar

I am coding a GUI in PySide for a couple of month now. This soft is half developed using Qt designer and half hard coded. It is a MainWindow soft with a central widget and a lot of docks.

Recently I realized that the menu bar (and a tiny bit of the task bar) had a zone which was 'inactive', ie the mouse can not access the menus directly. This zone is highlighted in green in the picture.


The menus are working, since when I click on the right half of the configure menu button, I can access the File or Edit menu as shown in the following picture


The code translating the Qt designer output into python code is

call pyside-uic mainWindow.ui -o uiMainWindow.py
call pyside-rcc -o fittingRessources_rc.py pathtoressources\fittingRessources.qrc

I have tried to remove the icon of the soft. Move the task bars (in which case the buttons of the task bar are entirely active again). I have tried to remove the icons of the task bar. Nothing made a difference.

I can provide code if necessary, but first I was wondering if any of you already encountered this issue? and how it solved it? since it seems a bit ackward...


The error appeared only when I was adding certain docks to the MainWindow using the following code:

self.variablesDock = VariablesDock(self,self.dataCurve)

where self is mainWindow. The VariablesDock class is the following

class VariablesDock(QWidget):
Allows to define variables

def __init__(self, mainWindow, dataCurve):

    self.mainWindow = mainWindow
    self.dataCurve = dataCurve

    self.variablesDockWidget  = QtGui.QDockWidget(mainWindow)
    ... skip some code ...
    mainWindow.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.DockWidgetArea(1), self.variablesDockWidget)

if I change the line super(VariablesDock,self).__init__(mainWindow) into


the error disappeared.


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