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Filter SQL Queries on XML attributes

I have a column otar.Results in my sql database containing xml data. Here is an example of the xml data:

  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="1" qxCertInformation="8;20021" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="2" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="3" qxCertInformation="3308ASX1D1I1S1V4AAR5AE00910WA3WK1M5C1Q8P1W1" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="4" qxCertInformation="2014-04-29" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="5" qxCertInformation="13:07:43" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="6" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="7" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="8" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="9" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="10" qxCertInformation="9150077-263" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="11" qxCertInformation="260201" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="12" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="13" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="14" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="15" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="16" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="17" qxCertInformation="" />
  <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="18" qxCertInformation="" />

I want to filter my query so I can get the records where layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="1" and qxCertInformation="8;20021 "

I've tried

otar.Results.exist('/certInformationList/certItem[layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="1" and qxCertInformation="8;20021"]') = 1

But it doesn't return any records.

Note: I have to be able to build the query dynamically

Any help would be very appreciated.

Best regards John


/certInformationList/certItem[@layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="1" and @qxCertInformation="8;20021"]

There is a table with two records, one is as your example (shortend!), the second has got the "8;20021" changed. Only the first comes back in the select:

DECLARE @otar TABLE(id INT, Results XML);
        <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="1" qxCertInformation="8;20021" />
        <certItem layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="1" qxCertInformation="8;20022" />

FROM @otar AS o
WHERE o.Results.exist('//certItem[@layoutSeqOrSealDescrID="1" and @qxCertInformation="8;20021"]')=1;

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