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Specified cast is not valid

I have an application that get a datetime value from the database but it give me this error

Specified cast is not valid

here is the code

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Golden_RoseConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

String sel3 = "select Booking_Date from booking where Booking_ID='" + Booking_Id + "'";
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand(sel2, con);
SqlDataReader n3 = cmd3.ExecuteReader();
DateTime Booking_Date = (DateTime)n3.GetSqlDateTime(0);

How can I solve this problem?

an sql date is not a .Net DateTime object.

GetSqlDateTime does not do a convertion - see MSDN .

It must be converted - see the SO question as an example


var Date = Convert.ToDateTime(n3["YOUR_DATE_COLUMN"]);

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