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How to return a JDBC ResultSet using Groovy

I am doing a report using JasperReport from Groovy+Grails and want to send the ResultSet to my report. The problem is the Jasper doesn't know the dataSource from Groovy+Grails. I am using this

JasperFillManager.fillReport(in, parameterMap, new JRResultSetDataSource(resultSet));

This class just receives a ResultSet object but I can't find the way to return a JDBC ResultSet from Groovy+Grails to pass to JRResultSetDataSource() .

You can use groovy.sql.Sql to create and execute sql queries and it also return a ResultSet object.

You can create a new groovy.sql.Sql instance using different strategies like using a existing sql connection, dataSource bean or by supplying the normal jdbc connection details. Look for more details here .

executeQuery and executePreparedQuery are two method that can be used to execute sql queries and will return a Resultset .

If you're working inside a service or a controller you can do this:

first you need to inject your datasource inside the service or controller:

def dataSource

And then inside the function that creates the jasper you can use something like:

 Sql sqlConn = new Sql(dataSource)
 String query = "SELECT * FROM my_table"

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