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Passing a Variable from Python script to tcl shell

I am new to this forum, so I apologize beforehand for any mistakes. I am trying to pass a variable from my python code to tcl script. The way I am doing this is:

import os
import Tkinter
from Tkinter import *

def set_impairments(port,delay):

    tcl = Tcl()
    proc my_proc {in_port,in_delay} {

    puts in_port
    puts in_delay
    print port
    print delay

    tcl.eval('my_proc port,delay')


The output of this code is:





How to assign in_port to 0 and in_delay to 25000? I am not able to understand why it is not able to pass the value of the variable.

Tcl doesn't use commas to separate arguments, it uses whitespace. Also, you need a $ to reference the value of the variable. Do this:

proc my_proc {in_port in_delay} {
    puts $in_port
    puts $in_delay

I'm not really a python guy, but you probably want

tcl.eval('my_proc {0} {1}'.format(port,delay))

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