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Python: Check if a string contains chinese character?

A string maybe this

ipath= "./data/NCDC/上海/虹桥/9705626661750dat.txt"

or this

ipath = './data/NCDC/ciampino/6240476818161dat.txt'

How do I know the first string contains chinese ?

I find this answer maybe helpful: Find all Chinese text in a string using Python and Regex

but it didn't work out:

import re
ipath= "./data/NCDC/上海/虹桥/9705626661750dat.txt"
re.findall(ur'[\u4e00-\u9fff]+', ipath) # => []

The matched string should be unicode as well

>>> import re
>>> ipath= u"./data/NCDC/上海/虹桥/9705626661750dat.txt"
>>> re.findall(r'[\u4e00-\u9fff]+', ipath)
[u'\u4e0a\u6d77', u'\u8679\u6865']

If you just want to know whether there is a chinese character in your string you don't need re.findall , use re.search and the fact that match objects are truthy.

>>> import re
>>> ipath= u'./data/NCDC/上海/虹桥/9705626661750dat.txt'
>>> ipath2 = u'./data/NCDC/ciampino/6240476818161dat.txt'
>>> for x in (ipath, ipath2):
...     if re.search(u'[\u4e00-\u9fff]', x):
...         print 'found chinese character in ' + x
found chinese character in ./data/NCDC/上海/虹桥/9705626661750dat.txt

And for those of us who don't care for re :

>>> ipath= u"./data/NCDC/上海/虹桥/6240476818161dat.txt"
>>> for i in range(len(ipath)):
...  if ipath[i] > u'\u4e00' and ipath[i] < u'\u9fff':
...   print ipath[i]

Edit: for the full list of Chinese characters this SO link is worth looking at as the range U+4E00..U+9FFF is not complete. What's the complete range for Chinese characters in Unicode?

import re
ipath= raw_input()
print re.findall(ur'[\u4e00-\u9fff]+', ipath.decode("utf-8"))

Output: ./data/NCDC/上海/虹桥/9705626661750dat.txt [u'\上\海', u'\虹\桥']

You need to decode the input to make it unicode.


 import re
 ipath= unicode(raw_input(),encoding="utf-8")
 print re.findall(ur'[\u4e00-\u9fff]+', ipath)

'' is a bytestring on Python 2. Either add from __future__ import unicode_literals at the top of the module or use unicode literals: u'' :

>>> import re
>>> ipath= u"./data/NCDC/上海/虹桥/9705626661750dat.txt"
>>> re.findall(ur'[\u4e00-\u9fff]+', ipath)
[u'\u4e0a\u6d77', u'\u8679\u6865']

Using these codepoint ranges , we can write an is_cjk function:

# list of cjk codepoint ranges
# tuples indicate the bottom and top of the range, inclusive
cjk_ranges = [
        ( 0x4E00,  0x62FF),
        ( 0x6300,  0x77FF),
        ( 0x7800,  0x8CFF),
        ( 0x8D00,  0x9FCC),
        ( 0x3400,  0x4DB5),
        (0x20000, 0x215FF),
        (0x21600, 0x230FF),
        (0x23100, 0x245FF),
        (0x24600, 0x260FF),
        (0x26100, 0x275FF),
        (0x27600, 0x290FF),
        (0x29100, 0x2A6DF),
        (0x2A700, 0x2B734),
        (0x2B740, 0x2B81D),
        (0x2B820, 0x2CEAF),
        (0x2CEB0, 0x2EBEF),
        (0x2F800, 0x2FA1F)

def is_cjk(char):
    char = ord(char)
    for bottom, top in cjk_ranges:
        if char >= bottom and char <= top:
            return True
    return False

Which we can then use to process text, using functions like filter , any , all , and map to process the text character-by-character, or compose more complex functions:

txt = "./data/NCDC/上海/虹桥/9705626661750dat.txt"
txt_sanitized = "./data/NCDC/9705626661750dat.txt"
any(map(is_cjk, txt)) # True
any(map(is_cjk, txt_sanitized)) # False
''.join(filter(is_cjk, txt)) # '上海虹桥'

Note that the CJK ranges will include not only Chinese characters but also may include Korean and Japanese characters. For more complex usage, try a dedicated library like cjklib .

In python 3.6 i used this

def find_china_symbols(text):

:param text: input text with wrong symbols
:return: True if incorrect char exists in text

for char in text:
    if ord(char) > 10000:
        print(char, ': ', ord(char))
        return True

根据这个问题 ,范围应该是[\⺀-\⿕\㆐-\㆟\㐀-\䶿\一-\鿌]

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